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From being an Aalto student to working at Saldo Finance


Before moving to Finland to study marketing, I had a completely different background to finance. I studied German literature and Business at Ewha Womans University in South Korea. Combining my interests in language and the beauty industry, I started my first job as a junior product manager at L'Oréal Korea.

While it was an exciting time, I decided to move to Finland to start my Master's degree in Marketing.

Last summer, I was still a student at Aalto University, and I was finishing up one of my minors needed for my degree. That was where I met the CMO of a new company called Saldo Finance, who was one of my lecturers in the program. That was how I originally came to find out about the company.

A little later on that year, I saw a job posting on the internet from Saldo. They were looking for a digital marketing specialist, and I knew this would be a perfect fit for me because I have always been interested in working globally. I got in touch with them right away.

I considered this opportunity (and in many ways I still do) to be my dream job. Saldo Finance is a fintech company here in Finland that is currently experiencing very strong growth, and I am proud to be a part of that.

The perfect junior job

"It will be the most interesting digital marketing job at a junior level," read the job posting. This has turned out to be absolutely true, and I have been really pleased with the job. I feel like I am growing exponentially at the company, with more opportunities and learning experiences coming along almost daily!

My current position is that of a digital marketing specialist. This naturally entails many different and varied duties. The most interesting part of my job is that I have full ownership of the project, such as building and maintaining the company's website and making sure it works perfectly and smoothly. As a digital marketing specialist, I work to build the basis for market expansions. Therefore, I am also heavily involved on the strategy side of analysing each markets' potential.

I am the new hire and have only been with the company for two months as of the date of this article, so there is plenty that I still need to learn. However, I feel very grateful to be working in the Saldo marketing team.

Saldo Finance is multinational

Saldo Finance currently has operations in three different countries, with plans to aggressively expand into more locations in the near future. Because of this, we make it a habit to carry out everything work-related in English, even though the whole team is Finnish.

We have a great team of people who have so much expertise and experience in their own fields. In the future we will be hiring more professionals internationally.

Hope for the future

The isolation of working remotely is the only real drawback for me as far as working with Saldo goes. Of course, this is due to the pandemic and doesn't have anything specifically to do with Saldo. The pandemic has affected all of us to some degree or other in this particular way. I definitely miss the social environment I had at school, but we can all hope that this will change in the not-so-distant future.

Obviously, my biggest hope for the future is that Saldo Finance will continue its growth into 2022 and beyond. Aside from that, I would like to see more international hires happening at the company. This would help us increase our understanding and perception of other cultures while bringing fresh new ideas and better working culture.

In general, I see my future at Saldo Finance in a positive light. My team is made up of people whom I consider to be excellent mentors. I'm pleased to log in every day and learn something new from them. Circumstances permitting, I definitely see myself continuing with Saldo Finance long term.

Are you interested in working for Saldo? Take a look at our open positions!


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